
Power of Hierarchy

A hierarchy is essentially an order of items, goals, ideas or needs.The order in which the elements within a composition are viewed by the eye. 
  • We can called it the order of importance :
  1. where does the eye look at First
  2. where does the eye look at Second
  3. Where does the eye look at Third  
Hierarchy in web design is centrally about influencing a user to understand and embrace the principal goals of a website or interact with the material in the ideal order to facilitate a smooth and pleasant experience with the website.

Two Types of Hierarchy :

1.Objective Hierarchy:

Objective hierarchy is controlling, affecting and defining the order of elements to guide a user toward a website’s overall objectives, goals, and conversion points. 

2.Visual Hierarchy:
Visual hierarchy refers specifically to how the design effectively communicates which elements stack in relation to each other and how that relationship affects how we view it.

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